Thursday, July 25, 2013

What are scientists like?

On TV, scientists are often shown as extremely smart people separate from the rest of society who speak in terms that few people understand. Big Bang Theory allows the scientists on the show to at least be a part of the rest of society and humanizes them, although they still fall into most stereotypes of scientists(stereotypes are exaggerated characters often used to make fun of a group). These are just stereotypes. Scientists are a diverse bunch of people. What unites scientists is an interest in how at least one aspect of the world works. Scientists like to ask questions, come up with ideas about the answers to these questions, and test these possible answers, called hypotheses. A hypothesis must be testable. 

For example, my office mate enjoys photography, soccer, and watching MMA. Another person in my research group enjoys listening to smooth jazz and movies. I play the saxophone (alto and tenor), enjoy playing most sports, love science fiction (especially Stargate SG-1), and enjoy debating public policy. This is only a part of my research group. There is even more diversity in our larger collaboration and in science, in general. Scientists come from all races and are of all genders. Curiosity unites us.

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